Organizations NCCTK SupportS

local Missions


Be the One Community Mentor Programs cultivate strong communities through campus-based youth mentoring in Lynden, Ferndale and Nooksack Valley schools.

(360) 220-8059

The Bridges of Hope home provides a Christ-centered transformational community. We help men released from jail, prison, and substance abuse rehabilitation centers to get back on their feet and start living productive lives.

Engedi Refuge

Engedi Refuge is a safe house ministry in Whatcom County for women who have experienced sex trafficking, and exists to bring hope and support to those struggling to overcome many challenges associated with the life of prostitution.

LIght of the world prayer center

LOWPC organizes a county-wide prayer strategy uniting local churches in continuous prayer for specific needs in Whatcom County. Uniting together in prayer and worship we can see transformation in our hearts, families, communities and the world.

The lighthouse mission

Lighthouse Mission Ministries is the only walk-in rescue mission between Everett and Vancouver, B.C. They are helping Whatcom County’s homeless men, women, and children get back on their feet and on with their lives in the name of Jesus Christ.

Whatcom County jail ministries


Whatcom County Jail Ministries has been providing Christian spiritual support and resources within the local jail facilities. The lives of hundreds of inmates (both men and women) are being positively impacted by numerous Bible studies and one-on-one conversations with the chaplains who offer a relationship with Jesus to those who have reached the bottom and are seeking a transformed life.

whatcom county Pregnancy clinic

Whatcom County Pregnancy Clinic (WCPC) is a nonprofit medical clinic in Bellingham, Washington, educating, equipping, and empowering individuals and families facing an unplanned pregnancy.

North Whatcom Young life

Introducing adolescents to Jesus Christ and helping them grow in their faith.​ Through relationships, regular outreach events, Bible studies, and summer camps, Young Life has been reaching students in North Whatcom County since 1943.

CRU: Campus Crusade for Christ

Cru (U.S. Ministry): 1-888-278-7233

Taylor and Shea are on staff with Cru, the U.S. campus ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ, in Northern Idaho. Their vision is to see college students won to Christ, built up in their faith, and equipped to walk with God for a lifetime and proclaim Him wherever they go.


Reclaimed Ministry, led by Stephanie Broersma, is an organization that focuses on helping broken brides recover from the pain and devastation of marital infidelity. Reclaimed does this through confidential small groups, which run both locally and around the country, as well as a confidential online community.

Christian hope association

(360) 354-9930

Christian Hope Association is made up of two ministries that share a goal of meeting the immediate needs of those hurting and hungry with the compassion and love of Jesus.

• Project Hope Food Bank serves over 500 people per week with food supplies, and offers community assistance from laundry vouchers to help with utility bills.

• New Way Ministries is a transitional housing program serving pregnant women and mothers with children who are facing homelessness. New Way aims to help their residents heal from trauma, experience the love of Jesus, and help them grow towards independent living for their families.

global Missions

360-354-2789 (USA) | 604-835-6791 (CAN)

Starfish Ministries’ mission is to minister to needy Haitians for the purpose of presenting the gospel of Jesus Christ. We do this through the following ministries: an orphanage in Tricotte, Haiti, serving 60 children from age 4 to 17; supporting elementary schools in 18 remote villages in Haiti and providing a hot meal every day for over 4000 students; starting secondary schools in Tricotte and Ti-David; launching our medical clinic ministry in 2017 with 12 full time staff members helping to meet the health care needs of those who otherwise would have to travel a long distance for this care; continuing to provide clean water and providing micro-loans to struggling familes; and adding 2 full time pastors bringing the total to 5 pastors ministering in church planting and evangelism.


Founded by Mike & Chris Leland, New Generation Haiti’s mission is to come alongside the people of Haiti to help them help themselves to a better way of life with a hope and a future in Jesus Christ. We have planted 11 life-giving churches, established 7 free schools serving almost 1500 students, founded The Good Shepherd Children’s Village Orphanage for 63 vulnerable children, a medical care clinic, ESL classes, and the Marose Marketplace.


The LGN is dedicated to training pastors in impoverished nations how to grow healthy churches that love lost people to Christ. They do this primarily in India and Cambodia through a network of indigenous trainers who in turn train thousands of pastors. The LGN founder, Pastor Kim Ryan, continues to oversee the network. Alex & Cherry lead the work in India, while Sophea and Jenny lead in Cambodia. They also provide care for hundreds of orphans as LGN churches live out the P.E.A.C.E. Plan: Planting churches, Equipping servant leaders, Assisting the poor, Caring for the sick, and Educating the illiterate.

Ichthus Ministries

Ichthus ministries is dedicated to bringing the expansion of God’s kingdom in Northern India. We seek to bring spiritual and holistic development through planting churches, schooling, care for orphans, a home for the disabled, medical care and vocational training for lepers and the poorest of the poor.  


Judah Mooney works with Diaconia in Paraguay. Diaconia gives opportunities to the poor by offering micro-loans and financial literacy training to underprivileged women. These programs are allowing the local churches to have a greater impact and bring holistic development to the poor in Asunción. Judah has been working to help women develop small businesses so that they can continue to care for their children. He has also developed a nutrition and child development program to help care and disciple underprivileged children.


Project 92 (based on Isaiah 9:2) is focused on advancing the Good News of Jesus Christ to unreached peoples in India, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, and Myanmar. Advocacy, the mobilization of prayer, and the support of indigenous front-line ministries are all key facets to the work. It is our prayer that Jesus will be made known to all unreached peoples, that many will come to faith, and that indigenous churches will be established among them.


Greg and Corrie Burgers are committed to theological education and discipleship of local leaders and pastors for the purpose of seeing the global church flourish in Biblical literacy and love for God. They are working with United World Mission, serving as missionary professors at ESEPA seminary in San Jose, Costa Rica.


Mark and Dawn work with Youth With a Mission Montana. Mark is involved in the Biblical Studies department and teaches both locally and globally. His passion is to see people empowered through the Word. Dawn works with a coaching ministry, Leadership13, and coaches YWAM bases here in the US and around the world. Her passion is to see thriving YWAM locations doing what God has called them to do.


Jeremy & Jen Dorrough pioneered and continue to lead YWAM North Cascades in Lynden, WA. They are using partnerships within YWAM globally, local ministries and churches, and international ministries to train young people to reach the unreached people of the world. Through a strong focus on Bible education, leadership development, and community development, their teams are working diligently to connect young people to missions opportunities locally and globally.


Jacob and Amber President have been serving together with YWAM in Taiwan for over eight years. They have pioneered a YWAM base location in the south of Taiwan, in the city of Taitung. The Presidents run weekly community events for the locals to hear about Jesus, teach the Bible, work with other organizations to help high risk families/those with disabilities, lead children's Bible camps for indigenous communities, and host outreach teams. Jacob and Amber are also preparing to plant a house church in their home soon.


Bagi and Mina are first generation Christians serving as full-time YWAM missionaries in Mongolia. They both are on the core leadership team of the Bless Mongolia Project that YWAM Mongolia initiated in order to reach every home in their country with the Gospel and the Bible.


Demi Anderson has been serving on staff with YWAM (Youth with a Mission) since September 2023. She is involved with the Fire & Fragrance Discipleship Training School, which focuses on worship and intercession. Demi works on the media team and also walks alongside students during a three-month lecture phase where they learn more about who God is. She is involved in discipling, equipping, and leading outreach teams. Demi's heart burns to see her generation fall in love with Jesus, grow in their faith, walk in the fullness of their identity, and bring the Gospel to the ends of the earth.


Drew and Alyssa work with Youth With a Mission (YWAM) North Cascades right here in Lynden. Through the Discipleship Training School (DTS) program they are able to speak into young peoples' lives and give them tools for living life in accordance with the purposes God has for them. Their passion is to empower people to live missionally.


10% of all funds given to NCCTK are given to local and global missions organizations. When you give to NCCTK you are giving to people all around the world and helping to spread the good news of Jesus Christ!

If you'd like to support a specific ministry, please mail a check or cash to:

North County Christ the King Church
1816 18th Street
Lynden, WA 98264

Be sure to include a note specifying how you’d like the funds to be designated.

Thank you for your generosity and partnership!