Every year people ask me if there is a need they can give to, so we’ve come up with the Christmas Wishlist. We all love to give out of our abundance, especially at the end of the year when we realize just how blessed we are. The Christmas Wishlist gives us some ministries and projects to consider gifting. The gifts range in size so that there is an opportunity for everyone to participate. No gift is too small. Thank you for being generous again this year and sharing your blessing with those in need, or to help with a church project.
Merry Christmas, and God Bless You!
Pastor Kurt
UPDATE 12/28 - $18,124
Partner with us in serving and supporting our local NCCTK families and friends in need. Our Care funds supply basic necessities including rent and housing deposits, utilities, food cards, and gas cards. We also partner to provide counseling services.
Rent: Average $1,300
Food Cards: $50/$100/$200
Utilities: Average $200
Counseling: $90-$160 per session
UPDATE 12/31 - $14,190
** Matching funds up to $10k **
for Nepal and Mongolia. $4 per Bible
UPDATE 12/31 - $13,199 donated
North County Crew (4th & 5th Grade)
Crew has completely renovated our space to be able to accommodate both Wednesday night program and Sunday Services. Small groups are a big part of the ministry and this modular furniture will help our small groups have their own space to use that is completely interchangeable and will grow with us through the years.
2 Modular small group couches: $5,139 - UPDATE 12/5 Completed
Still need:
2 Blue Rockers: $1,127
Lightning bolt rug: $460
UPDATE 12/31 $550 donated
Orphan care
House of Palms and Sideras School in India. New Generations & Starfish Ministries in Haiti.
General giving to feed and house orphans.
UPDATE 12/31 - $10,588 donated
Children’s ministry
New carpets for Kidsplace. The carpets they are sitting on are old and worn- its time for some new ones. Buy a carpet for $1,000; we need 4 for a total of $4,000.
UPDATE 12/31 - $2,430 donated
Send Kids to Day Camp. Every summer we have kids who can't afford camp, and you can send a kid to camp. $35 each
UPDATE 12/31 - $3,000 donated
UPDATE 12/31 - $23,343 donated
Feeding program- buy meals for kids for 2024. Feed a kid for a year. $1 per day, $260 per year.
Help build a classroom in Little Star Academy Slum School.
Foundations are done, just need buildout at 5K each for two buildings
Lighting and Support System - $7200
As the NCY has grown and the Student Center has been remodeled to accommodate our students. However, the lighting has not been updated in roughly a decade and is in need of improvement. Increased and improved lighting will also allow for the student center to be used for more event and program needs outside of the youth ministry.
UPDATE 12/13 - $4,350 donated
Worship Equipment - $1800
The Student Center worship equipment (microphones, stands, cables, etc.) have met their life capacity. New equipment would allow us to continue student led worship and increase the number of students involved in leading worship.
UPDATE 12/6 - $1,800 donated FULLY FUNDED
The Life-Giving Network, one of our ministry partners in Nairobi, Kenya, are needing to install a kitchen at their slum school. They are currently hauling water up 3 flights of stairs and need counters and a sink, as they are washing dishes on the floor.
Cost is $7,000.00
**NCCTK reserves the right that if one ministry goal is fully funded we will use our discretion to apply the gift to the closest similar item/ministry.**